
  1. a declaration of God’s intentionality & goodness towards us and the covenant with one another through Him.   

  2. our personal manifestation of Hagai 2:9  “The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts; and in this place will I give peace and prosperity, says the Lord of hosts.” (Amplified Bible) 

  3. an acknowledgement that our path has been unorthodox and slower than many, but it is right on time for the plans of God for us.





What we agree on:

We were introduced by our mutual friend, Precious.

Neither of us were ready to turn in our playa card.

The details of what happened next are still up for debate, but here’s the Bride’s take.

I thought I listed enough reasons why my friend shouldn’t call the “great guy” she knew. She did it anyway. Right there on the spot while she and I were at dinner. I was so embarrassed and annoyed with her until she handed me the phone. Mr. “Great Guy” said hello and his deep velvety voice shook me out of my tantrum. That “great guy” was Dwain and little did I know, nothing would ever be the same.

We talked on the phone a few times over the next few weeks and Dwain suggested we meet up. I got all dolled up for what I thought would be a date, but instead, we ended up sitting in his car in a parking lot for at least an hour. We had a great conversation, but the setting wasn’t exactly giving the “smooth gentleman” vibes that our friend sold me on. To make matters worse, I was hinting heavily that we go watch the NBA All Star Game that was about to start, and Mr. “Great Guy” was not catching on.

This occurred a couple more times. We’d meet, sit in a parking lot and talk without even so much as grabbing a canned soda. How was he OK with this? Why do I keep agreeing to meet him? Is this what he does with all the ladies? Am I getting played by a guy I don’t even know or like that much? What is going on with this dude? I was over it… over him. Each time, our friend kept talking me into giving him another chance and I acquiesced. Afterall, he really did seem to be a great guy with a charming smile & sexy voice that gives amazing hugs.

During what I decided would be our final “parking lot meet-up”, I asked Dwain, “When are you going to take me on a real date?” He admitted to not being into dating & ran me a vague series of lines. After expressing to him that it would be the only way he would see me again, he agreed to work on something outside of the vehicle next time.

To my surprise, a few weeks later, Dwain invited me out & took me to a great lounge with live R&B music and soul food. He was an ideal gentleman & he smelled amazing. It was absolutely perfect. By the end of the night, I was feeling all kinds of butterflies and rainbows, but I had to play it cool. I mean, I couldn’t let “parking lot meetup” guy think he won me over that easily. Then, like something out of a 90’s urban romance movie, he walked me to my car down a warmly lit downtown street & asked if he could kiss me. I told him, “yes” and we ended our first date with our first kiss & slowly stepped into what would become the start of our forever.



We Got


Our tastes differ, but we compliment each other well.

We communicate differently, but willing to keep working to effectively communicate.

We’ve worked hard to build & sustain each other’s trust.

We’ve come a long way from the day we met. This was no small task, and happened over many years. 

The Groom’s take…

My parents have been married 50 years and I wanted to experience the love that I would see them share.  This comparison also made me critical of any potential relationship I would have.  I wanted to guarantee “staying power”, which is not something I could control.  I was fighting the idea of a relationship, let alone marriage, for a long time.  As Nicole & I spent time together, I could tell she was a great woman for someone, but was she good for me?

When we met, Nicole & I were both very busy in our individual lives.  I was working two jobs, and when I wasn't working, my time was devoted to my daughter.  Nicole was raising two daughters, working, in school part time, & clocking a lot of hours serving in her church.  It was tough for us to find time for each other, but when we did, it was refreshing.  Nicole never made me feel like my schedule was an inconvenience and she always made me feel like my time had value. That meant a lot to me.

Here's where she really broke through my shell: She invited my daughter and I to come to DC with her and her daughters.  She planned everything and just told us to show up.  It was the first time we all spent time together & we had a ball.  Knowing that all she wanted to do was show my daughter and I a good time changed how I saw her.  This wasn’t just some beautiful woman who liked going out with me.  She wanted to invest in me and more importantly, in my daughter.

“This is bigger than the both of us.” That’s how I tend to respond to Nicole the many times we’ve sat back in awe of how we made it so far, despite how hard we both fought against it. Every rule I had for relationships or things I was against doing when it came to a woman, I would break for Nicole.  I can’t explain why I would willingly allow her to push my envelope. How is it that we’d been in the same rooms many times before we met without so much as glancing at each other?  How is it that two people who were not looking for anything resembling a relationship end up building such a bond that their names become synonymous to those around them?  Nothing about our origin story made sense in the moment, but God moves us in ways we could never fully understand. 

Looking back, I can see that Nicole came into my life to pull me away from my comfort zone, allowing me to grow in the process.  She never made me compromise my principles and continued to push for me to experience life as I desired but never fully allowed for myself.  My life with her has elevated me to be better as a person and a man. Even though I may be resistant to change at times and fear the consequences of the unknown, she’s never made me feel alone in the journey and that helped me see past my “hang-ups”.  

As the southern/city girl she is, we rarely move at the same pace, but she’s been quite patient with me.  I needed to take the time necessary to feel that this was the type of person with whom I could continue to talk, listen, laugh, cry, and build a life. She gave me the freedom, confidence & safe space to be the man I wanted to present to a wife, and for that I knew I could choose her. Her ability to challenge who I was, support who I’ve become, love, and pray me through it all, is why I not only wanted her to be, but I needed her to be Mrs. Thomas.

The Proposal:

September 3, 2022